George C. Parker
NOVEMBER 16, 2022
Have you ever heard someone say: if you believe that, I have a bridge in brooklyn to sell you? It’s an expression used to imply someone is very gullible and easy to trick. Because we all know you can’t, in fact, buy the Brooklyn Bridge, right? …Right…? Well, tonight’s story is about the man who “sold” the Brooklyn Bridge over and over for years. True story. This is the story of George C. Parker.
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![George C. Parker](
![Young George C. Parker](
![George C. Parker's mugshot](
![Newspaper headline about George C. Parker's arrest](
![Brooklyn Bridge promenade - 1888](
![Under the Brooklyn Bridge - 1885](
![NYC Harbor with Brooklyn Bridge in the distance - 1887](
![Fulton ferry & Brooklyn Bridge - 1895](
![Brooklyn Bridge - 1896](
![Brooklyn Bridge trolley - 1898](
![Brooklyn Bridge terminal - 1898](
![Grant's tomb](
![Ellis Island](
![Immigrants arriving by ship at Ellis Island](
Episode Sources
Con Artist George Parker Sold Brooklyn Bridge And Famous Monuments
The Brooklyn Bridge — “If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell to you”
The Untold Truth Of 19th-Century Conman George C. Parker
The Man who Sold the Brooklyn Bridge
Meet the Conman Who Sold the Brooklyn Bridge — Many Times Over
The man who "sold" The Brooklyn Bridge, Statue of liberty & Ulysses Grant's tomb
Value of $5,000 from 1890 to 2022
Victorian Society Tip
Keeping Warm in the Regency Era, Part One
Keeping Warm: The Ways The Victorians Did!