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William Mumler
A favorite holiday and winter pastime for Victorians, was telling ghost stories. Many Victorians wholeheartedly believed our deceased loved ones remained around us in spirit, just as much as when they were alive. Many were also skeptical, but those who believed, made it their mission to find proof. In tonight’s story, we’re going to talk about one man who, to some, provided concrete proof that our loved ones remained with us just beyond veil.
This is the story of spirit photographer, William Mumler.
The Bermonsey Horror
Tonight’s story was actually a listener request from a while back. I did not document where this request came in or who sent it, but it’s a good one. It’s got a love triangle, sex scandal and murder, and it was the first execution of a husband and wife in England in nearly 150 years. So thank you to the listener who recommended this case. If you have a case request you can contact me on my website or any of my social media channels.
This is the story of the Bermondsey Horror.
Smuttynose Murders
Tonight’s story takes place on a dark, isolated island off the coast of New England. This is the story of the Smuttynose murders.
Re-Release: The Legend of Mistletoe Bough
Victorian’s loved telling ghost stories at Christmas and I’m here to tell you one of their favorite tales. This is a story that was set in the 17th century and was passed along verbally, but really gained popularity in the 1830s when a song was written about the tale. You may have heard this tale told a little differently but I’m going to relay it to you as I first heard it, in honor of upholding the tradition of storytelling. This is the legend of Mistletoe Bough.
Season 2 Trailer
A Good Night for a Murder is back for season 2. Join me for season 2 where we’ll talk about vindictive house maids, black widow killers, wicked Victorian doctors, missing socialite scandals and more.